Tell DHHS to fix Maine’s ride program for seniors and people with disabilities

Six years ago, Governor LePage fundamentally privatized the MaineCare ride system, and mismanagement and miscommunication caused thousands of Mainers to be stranded, unable to get to things like scheduled cancer treatments or pick up lifesaving medicine. Despite some small changes and improvements since then, the system is still wildly unreliable for many Mainers.

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services just announced that they want to overhaul the MaineCare rides program. They are holding public hearings across the state on this issue this month. They need to hear from Mainers who’ve used this program and their families about how to ensure that we are providing the best services to those who need it.

Send a public comment to DHHS and tell them to fix Maine’s ride program for our seniors and people with disabilities below. We'll deliver it to them at the next public hearing:

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