Health Care is a Human Right

Our System is in Crisis

Mainers are dealing with a health care crisis.  Those with health insurance are facing skyrocketing rates and less coverage.  Tens of thousands of Mainers go without, because they cannot afford it or their employer does not offer it.  We have to do something. It's time Health Care is treated as a human right.

What is the human right to healthcare?

The protection of all human rights is guided by a basic set of principles. We use these principles to describe what a healthcare system based on human rights must look like:

  • Universality: Everyone must have access to comprehensive, equal high-quality healthcare.
  • Equity: Healthcare resources and financing must be shared equitably, so that everyone gets what they need and pays what they can. There must be no systemic barriers to accessing care.
  • Accountability: Government has an obligation to establish a healthcare system that meets human rights principles, and this system must be accountable to the people it serves.
  • Transparency: The healthcare system must be open with regard to information, decision-making, and management.
  • Participation: The healthcare system must enable meaningful public participation in all decisions affecting people’s right to health care, including the design and operation of the system itself.


The Vermont Campaign

Workers in Vermont did just that. Our allies at the Vermont Workers Center built a movement called Health Care is a Human Right and have passed legislation to provide universal health care to all Vermonters. Check out this video to see how they did it.


 Our Campaign

Here, the Maine People's Alliance is partnering with the Maine AFL-CIO and the Maine State Nurses Association in launching our very own Health Care is a Human Right campaign. Stay tuned as we roll out our efforts state wide to build a movement for universal health care. We will need your help! Get in touch if you are excited to participate in this campaign. You can email our Health Care organizer Jennie Pirkl to get involved.

Keep up with our Campaign!
Follow Health Care is a Human Right on Facebook to stay up-to-date on our Campaign.

Campaign Resources
Health Care as a Human Right Campaign FAQ

Health Care as a Human Right Survey Instructions

Health Care as a Human Right Survey